Monday, July 30, 2007

California here we come.

San Francisco is where it's at. They passed the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, they no longer spend city funds on bottled water (very wasteful), they encourage the use of reusable shopping bags instead of plastic, and very recently CA has taken the lead in passing The Clean Alternative Fuel and Clean Vehicle Act of 2007 and the Low Carbon Fuel Standard. According to,"Together, the two bills would require by 2020 that 50 percent of new cars run on clean, alternative fuels, and that fuel providers reduce the carbon intensity of fuel in California by at least 10 percent." We need to follow this example!

Another thing I have noticed is that many earth-friendly clothing lines come from California as well. Two young girls from CA have started a clothing line called Velvet Leaf (they also have a website). Velvet Leaf is a clothing company that uses organic, earth-friendly materials to make high fashion clothing. Could that be any more awesome? When looking at their myspace you'll find links to lots of other small, organic clothing companies, most of which are ALSO in California. The Global Environmental Trade Show is also something worth checking out. Retailers that sell environmental products come to these ECO shows in New York and California to sell their green products and to buy from other green companies. When I discovered all of this I thought, "I should just move to California!" But then I realized that what would be even better is to help bring this green way of life to Boston . . . and everywhere else!

sayoonara :)

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